Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Application Process

So I have submitted my application to CET academic programs and am waiting to see all of the pieces checked off. As soon as everything is checked off it means that they will start processing my application. I am hoping that everything will go quickly and smoothly now that it is out of my hands and is now in theirs. The admission for the program is rolling so it is a first come first serve program. If the program is full by the time they get to my application then there is nothing I can do about. However, I trust that I will get accepted.

My dad was looking up the climate of Harbin this week, and come to find out the, weather there is incredibly cold. Averages for Harbin are:
JanuaryAvg Low: -10°Avg Hi: Avg Precip: 0.14 in

FebruaryAvg Low: -2°Avg Hi: 20°Avg Precip: 0.1 in

MarchAvg Low: 16°Avg Hi: 37°Avg Precip: 0.28 in

AprilAvg Low: 34°Avg Hi: 56°Avg Precip: 0.74 in

MayAvg Low: 47°Avg Hi: 70°Avg Precip: 1.06 in

JuneAvg Low: 59°Avg Hi: 79°Avg Precip: 2.48 in

JulyAvg Low: 65°Avg Hi: 82°Avg Precip: 4.2 in

AugustAvg Low: 62°Avg Hi: 79°Avg Precip: 3.47 in

SeptemberAvg Low: 48°Avg Hi: 69°Avg Precip: 1.52 in

OctoberAvg Low: 34°Avg Hi: 53°Avg Precip: 0.75 in

NovemberAvg Low: 15°Avg Hi: 31°Avg Precip: 0.37 in

DecemberAvg Low: -2°Avg Hi: 15°Avg Precip: 0.19 in
So, it's going to be a little chilly there. It will be quite the adventure to get adapted to such a different climate.

I'm not sure if I will actually be able to write on this blog in English while I am in China. One requirement of the program is that I take a no English pledge. I will try to find a creative way to post on my blog. I might try to find a way to write in Chinese and then translate it to English using some sort of program. No matter what I will do my best to make some sort of update on this in a timely fashion.

So until next time...

Nicole :)